
On the blog

Changing your eating habits overnight

CHANGING YOUR EATING HABITS OVERNIGHT & OTHER MAGIC TRICKS That’s some of the topics we discussed with inspiring Lorraine Maguire.  Lorraine Maguire has overcome many personal challenges in her life and is now on a mission to help other people rise above the beliefs that are holding them back and

Letting go of emotional over eating

LETTING GO OF EMOTIONAL OVER-EATING There is a reason why we overeat! And you can change it. No, you don’t need to continue struggling with food, your body image or your sexuality. Change is possible! Once you become devoted to your body and your health, taking care of yourself and


9 Reasons Why Dieting Fails

9 Reasons Why Dieting Fails… And What to Do Instead Do Not Go on Another Diet Until You Read This. It’s the Diet That Fails, Not You! I’ve been there.  I tried dozens of diets. Nothing really worked, and even when I lost weight, I still didn’t like my body.